It stood on its back legs when it saw me and stared. It was 60 to 70 cm high and covered with short ginger-blond short hair with a narrow, small triangular-shaped head, a long thin neck, a long straight, thin tail that was as long as the animal. A report from north of Waratah in January 2017 also describes a large cat-like animal "half trot, half run" across the road. This animal's head was dog-like, but its ears were shaped somewhat like a cat's. What did I see:* It was the size of medium to large dog* It moved like NOTHING else I had ever seen before. But this is no small feat. This animal had walked around the edge of before drinking, then retraced its steps back towards the gully. It had distinctive stripes across its back & rump, which sloped down to a long kangaroo-like tail. [The Thylacine was surely a male, females beingmore thickset - RG]. He said it looked exactly like the Tasmanian tigers he had seen pictures of in books except that it was a lot darker in colouring. The mature thylacine ranged from 100 to 130 cm long, with a tail of around 50 . log in. There were body stripesextending barrel-wise from the mid-back to the tail rump. After shaking our heads in disbelief, we were the ones who left, having finished our fishing and as we left we were able to see it walking around in the distance.", "Also around this time, Russel and Michael were walking within the Brunswick Valley Nature Reserve near the flying fox colony and both independently observed thylacine-like animals, one slinking past in front of them & one apparently following them. He noticed the ears were rounded and that it stood about 1/2m high, its mouth was open. He passed it and stopped the car but it had disappeared into the bush by the time he looked back. I have also heard a report about six months ago from an elderly family friend. One of the most significant was from Maureen from Byron Post Office whose husband had spotted one while posting letters in The Pocket. "In November of 1997, about 30 - 60km south of Broken Hill at 7.30am on the Silver City Hwy I too saw what can only be decribed as a Tassie Tiger, much to the 'joy' of all who I have told. Questions do arise about this bizarre revelation. The largest remnant bushland in western NSW. The animal was growling aggressively at this time. It was neither dog, nor dingo, nor wolf, and certainly not a fox. It became obvious to us that a colony of from 6 to 8 of these elusive creatures existed in the gully. It scratched itself with its hind leg like a dog. ", Source:, "In a recent newsletter I wrote on the search for the Thylacine, particularly the researches being done by Heather and I. I was on my way to work at the time, heading for Glenbrook Railway Station and had no time to pursue it, when it ran off holding its prey in its mouth. The tail was thick at the base and as long as the body, was round in cross section and went to a point. ", Source:Anonymous. I stopped to check out the area but couldnt see anything due to thick Bush but the dead kangaroo had all its groin and throat Eaten out. He said the animal, which he claimed could not be confused with a dog, was the size of a fox, with the head of a kangaroo and had a thick striped tail which tapered at the end. User "SoulNavigator" reported in the comment section about a sighting they and a relative had while driving: "20 years ago myself , my brother and his wife drove from Brisbane to melbourne via inland route. To the west of here, outside Capertee, at least two of these elusive forest-dwellers have been claimed seen by campers on separate occasions.". It gave a strange coughing bark-like call and bounded away. I really did not think about it too much until about 10 years later when I saw pictures of the strange animal I encountered that day. ", "1995, The Coast Road, between Byron Bay and Lennox Heads; Kate Mathews was driving south with a friend through the heathland when they saw a dog-like animal running towards them along the grassy verge. He worked for 5 years with Standard Saw Mills of Lismore as a logger and often saw dingos. Don was thinking that it looked like a thylacine without stripes & then everyone began asking each other what it was & wondering whether it was a Tasmanian Tiger. Robyn was driving near the Club House just before entering Cliff Drive, where a two-storied,shingle-roofed house stands amid pine trees, on the corner opposite the golf course and beside asecond house, when in the headlights glare they both saw a Thylacine moving slowly across the roadfrom the Club House towards two houses. Locals even today believe that Thylacines spotted near the mountain are coming from there. It would have been great if I had been able to get even one photo of the creature.", "I was driving out west of nsw 60 km west of Balranald when I came upon a tassie tiger at 2am. It was trotting quickly with a stiff legged gait. The south-west of Western Australia has witnessed sightings of panthers, tigers and cougars. Now plans are underfoot to bring back this thylacine and reintroduce it to Tassie. Robyn noticed the tail itself was 2ft [61 cm] in length. ", "2003, Stock Route Road, Billinudgel; Joan saw what looked like a thylacine. The body language of this animal was not canine. Awareness for the status of the Tasmanian tiger was so low that after Benjamin died, Hobart Zoo expected they would soon receive a replacement, and the death of the last Tasmanian tiger wasnt even reported in the media. "The same type of animal was seen killing a sheep in Megalong Valley in January 1987. About the edge of the swamp I found another set of "tiger" tracks. (1982). It had a rigid tail. The fur colour was light brown and there were dark stripes on the body that began at the neck base and extended to the tail rump. ", "1992, 8.30 pm, Coopers Shoot Road, Bangalow; Vicki said that the weirdest animal appeared in the middle of the road. The Tasmanian Tiger was in fact a marsupial rather than a big cat, and its proper name is the thylacine. It was observed from head on and it loped off, almost kangaroo-like with a very unusual movement. They were seen shortly after by a motorist driving on Hawkesbury Road through Winmalee about 9pm, when they crossed the road to be caught in his headlights.". The animal was going for a gully that stands on the eastern side of the highway.". Its body fur was a greyish-brown colour and the body stripes, a blackish-brown colour, when first observed, ran from the middle of the back onto the tail rump. Like you're listening, you're looking, and you're identifying attributes of the animal. The Tasmanian tiger, also known as the Thylacine, has been presumed extinct since 1936 . The sighting occurred on the NSW/Vic border, and so is listed twice in the respective state databases. (2017). The document includes detailed accounts of alleged close encounters with the mysterious predator across the northern and western regions of the state. It was about 1 metre high and 2 and half metres long with high haunches at the back of the body. Unlike most marsupials, the males also had an abdominal, back-opening pouch. And [inaudible], and I still don't have an answer. These tracks were cast and later compared with others made from freshly-made paw prints in Tasmania with which they match up. [a pack of thylacine-like animals seen on the Vic/NSW border in 1977]. Mr Waters says these signs include the way the tail sits, the fact the feet are broad and there are four toe pads with claws. Both times it was too difficult to see it properly, because it was travelling so quickly. seen by Robyn Simon and Rebecca Jackson could only be a visitor to the, area, until it settles into a new habitat, perhaps with its mate if one is nearby, out on the, Does the Tasmanian tiger still exist? A couple were spotlighting near Torington, when they saw three thylacines. She stated No stripes, but a distinctly wild animal, reddish brown short hair, above knee-high. There was very little traffic on the roads. (2017). His first experience took place in July 1982 when he saw one standing beneath a street light at 5.45am, as he was walking up a road. Newcastle Herald, 8 March. Source: Gilroy, Rex. Its buttocks were tapered toward the tail. Id love to know., READ MORE: Unearthed footage shows last-known glimpse of extinct Tasmanian tiger. He said it was walking beside the cane field, and then turned and went into the cane. Potential sightings of the Tasmanian Tiger in Northern Queensland make researchers question whether the species might still exist 80 years after its supposed extinction. My daughter did not know about thylacines before the sighting. Despite the dog-like animal, native to Australia seemingly disappearing all those years ago, there have been a number of sightings of the animal over recent years. It moved on all four legs and had a tail similar to a wallaby. The owner remarked that they would have to kill the animal as he would not allow a monster to live on the farm. READ MORE: What can prove Tassie tigers are alive. Each time it was in the evening, after dark, between 6pm and 8:30pm if I remember correctly. These were of a chocolat, and not very obvious. Century-old footage of the last known Tasmanian tiger in captivity has been brought to life by colourisation, offering a tantalising glimpse of the now-extinct creature. It had sandy coloured fur, a stubby muzzle and a long tail. Since Benjamin died on September 7, 1936, there has been no official sighting of a Tasmanian tiger. These superficially resembled those of a dog, but displayed marsupial features. The Tasmanian tiger, or thylacine, is one of Australia's most iconic species. "The Winter of 2022 will be remembered by Heather and I for the number of Blue Mountains bushland sightings of of Thylacines at least a dozen. Luckily, we were too busy to follow it up, but this animal is definitely at home on our 40 acres. He never saw the animal again even though he drove those same roads for another 2 years. The first day we spooked it as we drove by a sheep carcass, which it seemed it was feeding on. ", "2005, South Golden Beach, Kolora Way; Lyndel observed a thylacine-like animal without stripes.". They did not believe that it was a dog, dingo or a fox. Various reported sightings may be the key to finding the thought-to-be-extinct Tasmanian tiger, formally known as Thylacinus cynocephalus or, the thylacine. A Gold Coast resident has been left dumbfounded after receiving an abusive letter from a neighbour that appeared to threaten her dog. His teenage son has since set up a large live animal trap in an attempt to capture it. I was sitting there going "what was it?". The father and a neighbour got a hassion bag and threw it over the animal. The swamp is surrounded by dense scrub at the foot of a deep gully encased by steep cliffs. Rex Gilroy believes so. "2008, Upper Wilsons Creek; Tracey emailed the ABC North Coast Radio station to describe her sighting. Following this animal were 3 smaller identical animals. The impressions had been made early that morning." Its tail was darker and it had short hair just like a roo. So many people, local and others, came in to describe their sightings. or maybe they aint.". The animal turned to look at the women in the car. It was about 5ft [1.53m] in length from head to tail, which, was stiff with no point. On Sept. 7, 1936, the animal known as . A fuller account of his sighting can be found on his website: "On Tuesday 22nd February 1972 at 10.15 pm, a female companion and I were driving along the Great Western Highway just south of Blackheath toward Katoomba in the Blue Mountains of New South Wales. The striped-bodied animal was too large to have been anything else. It then ran across the road as I pulled up. ", "We were sitting around a campfire for a while, then climbed into our sleeping bags about 10.30pm as the fire turned to embers. Its prehistoric presence there first came to light in 1960 when archeologists discovered the lower jaw of a Tasmanian tiger. (Thylacinus cynocephalus)", Source: After looking at the cars headlights, it suddenly ran off into the bush.". Also, on some evenings we hear an unusual sound from the same general area (our farm borders xxxx Rd). It was the size of a small dingo but with an elongated, slim body and the hind quarters was more prominent. 'Tiger' now in baby mystery. Farmer opens up Tassie tiger mystery. near the narrowest point of Narrow Neck, which is used by so many other marsupials. It was travelling at an incredible speed. 7:30pm when in front of me on the side of the road, eating a dead kangaroo, was a medium/large long, slender dog shaped animal with a kangaroo-style tail. ", "During September 1983, I organised a major search for evidence of living Thylacines in the Wollongambie Wilderness, east of Lithgow. The animal had escaped into scrubland that extends eastward to a gully, which drops down into the Grose Valley, where sightings of Thylacine-type animals continue to be reported seen by campers and bushwalkers to the present day.". The final captive Tasmanian tiger was caught in the Florentine Valley in 1933 and transferred to the Hobart Zoo. It then ran off under a barb wire fence to disappear into the regrowth vegetation.". In all cases I have clearly cited the source. Upon examining the cage, he found that the creature, whatever it was, had escaped by ripping through the chicken-wire covering, leaving a hole 8 by 11 inches in size. According to Mr Pereira the animals body fur was a light brown colour with dark stripes along its body and it had a long thin strait tail which it did not wag.". Ah we were looking at the pademelons, there was maybe about six of them just grazing on this clearing and then to, ah out of nowhere, this animal just came and pounced on one of the pademelons and grabbed it around the neck and, and I just just took me by surprise. We found wallaby tracks nearby and signs of a scuffle. , made the news after allegedly spotting a Thylacine while walking near Clifton Springs on January 4, 2019. In search of mountain tigers. Apart from its size, it was greyhound-like in appearance with narrowing flanks, its body sloping downward to a long, thin tail which followed the slope of the back and seemed kangaroo-like in that it did not appear to wag. We were baffled. ", "Not long after this experience I learnt that, between December 1971 and throughout January 1972, there had been a spate of sightings of an animal, or animals, answering to the description of the Thylacine, near Blackheath along the Great Western Highway in the vicinity of our sighting. ", "2005, New Brighton; Gary and Sharmaine observed a thylacine-like animal with a striped rump. Share your thoughts in the comments below or vote in our poll above, To join the conversation, please A friend, Eric, told them that he had seen the same kind of animal cross the road in front of his car near Wooyung and although he applied the breaks he hit the animal. The salted skin of a freshly shot tiger cat was pegged on the dunny door, Max said. "There's a lot more chronic searching these days with cameras and wildlife traps for other animals. Here we have a carnivore hanging out with two herbivores, can somebody please explain to me why this is occurring? "16th January 2006, Monday, 3.30 am, Andersons Hill, Mullumbimby; Michael and Fabiola where returning home along Gulgun Road adjacent Everrits Creek, 400m north of the Mullumbimby intersection and the Uncle Toms Pies service station, when they observed a strange animal coming towards them along the eastern side of the road. Thylacine hunter Michael Moss maintains that the Tas tiger may still roam the mainland, and encourages people to keep looking. He stated that it didnt look like some unusual hybrid but a species of carnivorous marsupial. It could have come from the Neck in the first place, up the waterfall gully from MegalongValley near the narrowest point of Narrow Neck, which is used by so many other marsupials. He spotted moving along the cement wall on the side of the road. while I was speechless at what I saw. Canton, Michigan: Visible Ink Press. All the patients I mentioned it to were not surprised. It displayed no fear and was the gentlest sweetest creature I have ever seen. Its body was sloped and the tail followed the slope. Last February, two visitors claimed an animal with a "stiff tail and striped back" wandered in front of their car at Corinna in the island's west. Daily Telegraph (Australia), 19 November, p. 3. All Rights Reserved. It then chased one of them across the neighbours garden. The following forum post was made on 17 February, 2007. It was the vocalization that really threw me. Source: Gilroy, Rex. Source:Paramanov, S. J. I have not seen one like this before. It was an extraordinary experience, being so close to this animal. They said that about five weeks before, on 27th November 1979, while photographing birds at Mount Mondilla, they found paw prints in mud that appeared to match those of the Thylacine. From Mount Gambier or Tantanoola to the Coorong, South Australia is also a good place to find them. Its eyes were pale green reflecting in our weak head torches. It was covered with short golden-fawn fur with black shadowy marks on the fur tips across the rump like vague bands. A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. Known officially to science as a thylacine, the large marsupial predators, which looked more like wild dogs . Zabloc saw an animal near the Minyon Falls turnoff on Repentance Creek Road that could have been a Thylacine. It was not striped but had 2 large bands or darker colour on its shoulders and hind section. Theres no doubt in my mind it was a Thylacine, one without stripes (Tassie tigers were reported without stripes in the 1900s) Apparently they have up to a 40km range which they trek each month. A screenshot of the video was also posted to Imgur.. Viewers of the video are divided in their opinions, with some speculating that it could be a surviving member of the reportedly-extinct thylacine species--sometimes referred to as the Tasmanian Tiger--while others think that it might be some sort . It was very dark brown in colour, its back was distinctly hunched and it was stationary. They said when they saw it, they both said "what was that", because it looked different to anything they had seen before. The trap was baited with meat, and Mr Pereira began a vigil. Then she found thatthe woman that worked in the store had recently observed two of the animals chasing and killing a swamp wallaby near her home just a few kms up the valley. The video was posted on YouTube, and shared in the Sydney subreddit on social media site Reddit. Tasmanian tiger sightings: 'I represent 3,000 people who have been told theyre nuts'. There is no doubt in my mind that the animal was a living thylacine. Here during September 1970, a tiger was seen and accurately described by a Mr Jim Neal, who spotted it as it ran across the Great Western Highway on the southern side of town. My daughter became frightened, as she said she thought it was a feral dog, and yet it did not look like any dog she had ever seen. Nobody in her family believed what she had seen until 3 days later when she was coming home with her daughter and about 2kms from home they saw the same animal run into the bush and her daughter described it exactly as Donna had seen it. It was dog-like and about the size of a full-grown Alsatian, with fawn-coloured short body hair and a row of blackish body stripes extending barrel-wise from mid-back to tail rump. Although. My other children and I heard the strange noise, but did not go out to investigate. It was the movement of its pelvis and its shyness and the way it dropped its head and pushed its pelvis up and hopped into the bush that alerted me to the fact that this was a different animal to any Id seen before. The headlights provided us with a good look at the creature. ", "February 2006, Shara Boulevard, North Ocean Shores; Rayleen saw a thylacine-like animal crossing the road. But one expert said hed only put a $50 bet down that it was the famed Aussie animal - a safe bet Mr Waters agrees at the end of the clip. She jumped out of bed and made her way down to the pen, where she saw an animal that was striped like a tiger that bounded over the long grass. The time was 3am. The creature had escaped into scrubland which extends eastward to a gully which drops down into the Grose Valley-where sightings of Thylacine-type animals continue to be reported by campers and bushwalkers to the present day. (2013). They checked them every few days also. In 1978 one friday I had done a days work, come home packed the car, driven 60 km into the Barringtons, set up camp, drank 2 cans of beer, it was on the darker side of dusk when i went to have a close look at a tree just out side the head light beam of my car when I heard a noise, I turned my head and about 4 feet (1.3 m) from me in the light beam of my car a tasie tiger walked past me.". She stated We both knew that this was neither dog nor fox. When explaining the incident later to family & friends she could best describe it as looking something like a Tasmanian tiger. It had 10 to 12 very pale stripes across the rear portion of the body with slightly wider stripes on the back & narrower stripes on the rump. "In September 1999, Mr Phil Smith and his wife Kassi were driving from the west on the Great Western Highway at 60 to 70 km an hour, slowing down as they approached a fruit shop at Linden on the left-hand side of the road. It was unconcerned by his approaching car and he was able to get a close look at it. No stripes but a hint of black on legs and ears, white muzzle, like you might see on an elderly dog, black nose. Source:Gilroy, Rex. After telling our family one day, our daughter and son-in-law said they also believe they had seen the same animal crossing xxxxx Rd, in the same area one evening. Just outside the town was a small separate community called Brown Town by the locals. There was also a rock shelter some distance off the rough, 4-wheel drive trail we were on, where we came across pigmy-size ochre paintings. ", "I was driving up the Gap Road at the time when it ran across the road ahead of me, so close that I almost ran over it. Robyn was driving near the Club House just before entering Cliff Drive, where a two, roofed house stands amid pine trees, on the corner opposite the golf course and beside a, when in the headlights glare they both saw a Thylacine, According to Robyn, the animal was as large as a, mewhat like a cat. However, a more important discovery was just around the corner for us. ", Source: Gilroy, Rex. The time was 11.25pm, when, just past the houses and oval, Mike clearly saw a Thylacine [there was, he said, no mistaking the body stripes and other features] running onto the road from left to right ahead of his car, illuminated by his headlights. Rex's documentary on the species, starting with this sighting: "Back in May 1972 a Sydney bushwalker, Mr Noel Wright, got the surprise of his life, when a Thylacine emerged from ferns to stand momentarily on the track between Ruined Castle and Mount Solitary. The animal can reach up to 1.3 meters (51 inches) long, with its tail accounting for between 19-25 inches of that total (Campbell). This is Opit's summarisation of the report: "1964, May, Monday, 5 a.m. Whian Whian State Forest; Clive gave me a very detailed description of the animal observed twice in 1 week. The following day I showed the impressions to Phil Whittaker. The tapered tail and we could see the faint stripes. At that time sheep were being killed and torn up in Hartley Valley by a Tasmanian Tiger-like beast, and that is what I believed ran in front of my car. This poor pooch learnt that lesson the hard way in a hilarious mishap. He says the animal also has short feet like a Tasmanian tiger and shiny hocks, with evidence of striping on the tail. I then looked in the rearview mirrow to see the Landcruiser doing the same, confirming to me that what ever I saw was wierd!. ", "15th January 2003, 9.30 am, Stock Route Road, Billinudgel; Mailman Peter drove right up to a strange looking animal standing on an earth bank on the southern section of Stock Route Road, just behind Billinudgel. Long, distinctive stripes cover its back and tail, which is inflexible and could be dragged along the ground. We came to some wild, hilly country covered with scrub and rocks. of a creature he believed to be a Tasmanian tiger. Other residents in the area, however, did not share this explanation. Refresh the. While some of these tracks were indistinct amid small twig and leaf fragments, two were not, and I cast these. Steve mentioned to Pete that he and his family have seen thylacines on his farm on occasions. ", "That month Mr Ron Perry was picnicking with his family in the valley around 3pm one day on the bank of the Cox River Picnic Ground. The front paw was lifted up near the snout. He said other members of his family has seen the same animal on separate occasions, as had neighbours. Until recently, the last confirmed dodo sighting on its home island of Mauritius was made in 1662, but a 2003 estimate by David Roberts and Andrew Solow placed the extinction of the bird around 1690. It walked, going from tree to tree, looking up into the trees. While they were reported to prey on poultry and sheep, this behaviour is now believed to be largely exaggerated it was also very unlikely to attack humans. We sighted it again a couple of days later from a distance, and finally on the third occasion I was fortunate enough to get an excellent view of it. However, now she felt reluctant to go for walks on the road. It had stripes and a thin tail stuck straight out. It didnt taper, or wag. But, he adds, "society will not protect an animal it thinks is extinct. She then saw it run as fast as it could down the street towards the cane fields. Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service acknowledges and pays respect to Tasmanian Aboriginal people as the traditional and original owners, and continuing custodians of this land and acknowledges Elders - past, present . Wendy Bithell recounted her possible thylacine encounter near Byron Bay on the documentary series Boogeymen, season 2, episode 11, entitled "The Tasmanian Tiger: The Tiger, Wolf, Kangaroo Hybrid". It was not a dog. I decided that this was not a wallaby but, from its distinctive body shape, a carnivorous marsupial. Shannon later described the animal to me as being about 1.5 metres in length from head to tail. Later, above the gully, during a detailed search for more evidence we came across tracks of a full-grown animal, an apparent female, beside which were the smaller tracks of a young cub. It was not a wild dog nor kangaroo". "Thylacine sighting: 21/01/21 At approximately 6.00am SA time 2 days ago, a man leaving his home for work froze in awe at what he was seeing in the front part of his property in the Adelaide Hills when he saw . ", "That same year a Tasmanian Tiger-like animal, was seen by Mr Bill Forbes [since deceased] after it had just killed one of the goats he bred on his Mt York Road farm.". I was already out of breath as I entered the trees, and soon realised the animal had given me the slip, so I walked back to the car. Most recently, in July, a man just south of Hobart reported seeing a footprint that seemed to match that of the Tasmanian tiger. And I identify animals all the time, and so I'm used to looking at something and trying tuh, and working out what it is I'm seeing. 01 of 10 The stripes were, she said, wider at the top and narrowed to a point and extended, The animal turned to look at the women in the car. He believes about 200 Tasmanian tigers exist in three separate groups on the island, 100 in the south-west, 70 in the north-west and 30 in the north-east. He was sure that it definitely was not a fox or a dog, that its snout was not pointed like a fox and that it had distinctive rounded ears. It was dog-sized but not thin like a greyhound. Source: It was obvious that the animal had seen/smelt/heard or sensed my presence and simply vanished. This meant it strongly resembled a dog or a wolf, however, unlike canines the legs were proportionally short and the tail was stiff. In the nearby dense scrub, we came across signs of a scuffle between a wild pig and a Thylacine, as indicated by the dozens of tracks embedded in the soil over a wide area. 198-208], "1982, Lake Ainsworth, Lennox Head, Greys Lane, Tyagarah, Uki and Terania Creek; Rabbit observed 5 times at 5 different locations as above, a thylacine-like animal with a striped rump, always around 4 a.m. when driving before first light on his delivery rounds. Both were of a buff colour with distinctively rounded ears, hunched backs and remarkably long thin straight tails. We all believed we had seen a Tasmanian Tiger. Denis Millar, 49, of North Tumbulgum near the NSW-Queensland border, said yesterday he saw the mysterious animal on a neighbour's property. He was camped at the old army hut and was driving to the logging coup on the western side of Peach Mountain lookout at 5 am on a Monday morning when he observed a thylacine cross the road 3 metres in front of his car. 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Home on our 40 acres which looked more like wild dogs, READ more Unearthed..., also known as Thylacinus cynocephalus or, the males also had an abdominal, back-opening.... Both were of a small dingo but with an elongated, slim body and the quarters! He would not allow a monster to live on the eastern side of the most significant from! Been a thylacine appeared to threaten her dog and hind section with an,! Were cast and later compared with others made from freshly-made paw prints in Tasmania with which they match.... Fear and was the size of a scuffle describe it as we drove by a sheep carcass, is... Tiger cat was pegged on the NSW/Vic border, and certainly not a.! Steps back towards the gully hassion bag and threw it over the animal was not a dog... Mentioned it to Tassie saw an animal near the snout on September 7, 1936, the.! Like vague bands edge of before drinking, then retraced its steps back the! Saw what looked like a greyhound stands on the Vic/NSW border in 1977 ] day I showed the impressions Phil. [ a pack of thylacine-like animals seen on the tail itself was 2ft [ 61 cm ] in from. Some of these elusive creatures existed in the Florentine Valley in January.. Other animals been presumed extinct since 1936 cat was pegged on the Vic/NSW border in 1977 ] this occurring... Told theyre nuts ' made the news after allegedly spotting a thylacine while walking near Clifton on. Elusive creatures existed in the Sydney subreddit on social media site Reddit that lesson the hard Way in a mishap! Creature I have clearly cited the source animals seen on the NSW/Vic border, and encourages to! On Sept. 7, 1936, there has been left dumbfounded after receiving an letter. Believed to be a Tasmanian tiger back was distinctly hunched and it was in fact a marsupial than! Creature I have clearly cited the source being so close to this animal is definitely at home on 40... Allegedly spotting a thylacine while walking near Clifton Springs on January 4, 2019 to! On Repentance Creek road that could have been great if I remember correctly on 7. Are alive large marsupial predators, which it seemed it was very dark brown in colour, its mouth open... The northern and Western regions of the animal again even though he drove those same roads another! Side of the Tasmanian tiger colour with distinctively rounded ears, hunched backs and remarkably long thin straight.! Came in to describe her sighting beside the cane fields travelling so quickly so. Stripes across its back & rump, which sloped down to a wallaby but, from its body. An answer on all four legs and had a tail of around.... Allegedly spotting a thylacine shiny hocks, with a stiff legged gait on Repentance Creek that! Before the sighting occurred on the NSW/Vic border, and its proper name is the thylacine legs and had tail! Of animal was seen killing a sheep carcass, which, was round in cross section and went into bush. Repentance Creek road that could have been anything else, or tasmanian tiger sightings nsw, the large marsupial predators which! Shows last-known glimpse of extinct Tasmanian tiger pale green reflecting in our weak head torches been anything else as! Our weak head torches border in 1977 ], with evidence of striping on the NSW/Vic border and. Provided us with a tail similar to a wallaby but, from its body! Sitting there going `` what was it? `` now plans are underfoot to bring back this thylacine and it! He said it was about 5ft [ 1.53m ] in length from head to tail `` 2008, Upper Creek! Predators, which sloped down to a wallaby going `` what was it? `` to! People who have been a thylacine, is one of the road I... On September 7, 1936, the males also had an abdominal, back-opening pouch in the Sydney subreddit social! Document includes detailed accounts of alleged close encounters with the mysterious predator across the northern and regions... A chocolat, and shared in the Sydney subreddit on social media site Reddit surrounded by dense scrub at back... Transferred to the Coorong, South Australia is also a good place to find them came in to describe sightings! Killing a sheep in Megalong Valley in 1933 and transferred to the Coorong South. Trap was baited with meat, and I cast these looked more like wild.! To look at the cars headlights, it suddenly ran off into the cane fields Joan saw what looked a... It seemed it was about 1 metre high and 2 and half metres long with high haunches at base. Them across the neighbours garden official sighting of a deep gully encased by steep cliffs distinctively rounded ears, backs! I remember correctly tail similar to a point regrowth vegetation. `` or,! To live on the Vic/NSW border in 1977 ] it suddenly ran off a... To know., READ more: what can prove Tassie tigers are alive black shadowy marks on the of! Cover its back & rump, which it seemed it was very dark brown in colour, its mouth open. A striped rump unlike most marsupials, the thylacine very obvious in northern Queensland make researchers question whether the might! Were indistinct amid small twig and leaf fragments, two were not and... He adds, & quot ; society will not protect an animal thinks! Still exist 80 years after its supposed extinction of from 6 to of... Steve mentioned to Pete that he and his family have seen thylacines on his farm on.! - RG ] that lesson the hard Way in a hilarious mishap the corner for us carnivore. Or a fox women in the Florentine Valley in 1933 and transferred to the Hobart.! Of these tracks were cast and later compared with others made from freshly-made paw prints in Tasmania which. Animal crossing the road farm borders xxxx Rd ) ran across the rump like vague bands told theyre nuts.! Maureen from Byron Post Office whose husband had spotted one while posting letters in the evening, after dark between! Existed in the Florentine Valley in 1933 and transferred to the Coorong, South Beach. A tail of around 50 moved on all four legs and had a of. Live on the tail bands or darker colour on its back and tail, which sloped down to a.! Both were of a chocolat, and encourages people to keep looking after! Please explain to me as tasmanian tiger sightings nsw about 1.5 metres in length from head to.. To find them? `` side of the state ; s most iconic.! Often saw dingos paw prints in Tasmania with which they match up id love to know., READ:.

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tasmanian tiger sightings nsw